Thursday, 7 July 2011

Sincere Prayers Will Bring You Close to God!

One way is to have a special time set aside to pray each day. Personally, I think that the morning, when they awaken, is the best. Then, they get the day started in the best feasible way. It is also important to pray often in the work of the day and night, at every opportunity.    This may sound foolish, but to stay on target and not let my mind drift in prayer, I come to the computer, go in to Word, and start my morning letter to God.    I am revealing this personal knowledge because I am desirous to give somebody reading this an idea. Perhaps you do this already, or perhaps your mind doesn't drift and you are of those focused individuals who can "stay on task" and keep your mind on what you require to do. If so, you are part of a special breed and I congratulate you honestly.  ...

Leading A Significant Christian Life Is The Way To Almighty

Life in this world has both nice & evil. So they must take additional precautions to leave out the evil as much as feasible. That can be done only by prohibiting matters related to evil. So prohibition becomes mandatory to lead a proper life, otherwise what purpose would our life serve if they accept both nice & evil similar. Christianity is not about prohibitions, but Christian community has some prohibitions, which ought to not be seen merely as dreary rules. Every part of Christianity has a well thought out inner meaning & fundamentally serves to lead a disciplined life. Christianity is summarized as loving God & our neighbor, & everything else is taken as a way to that finish. A typical Christian life involves number of aspects. of the main aspects is sharing with...

Thursday, 16 June 2011

The Bible Distinguishes Between True & False Christians

Jesus warned that there would be people who seemed to be Christians but were false. Jesus said that these persons would not inherit Heaven (Matthew Chapter 7). God is Love and gave His Only Son so we can inherit Heaven (John 3:16; Romans 8:32). The Bible clearly shows what a True Christian is inside and outside. This article reviews those scriptures where God informs what is needed (those fruits Jesus described) to enter the narrow gates of Heaven.They had everybody fooled. The Church thought that they had given a big offering to God. God eventually revealed how false and dishonest they were (Acts 5:1-11). The King James Bible talks about wheat and tares. It can be very difficult to distinguish between (divide) a false and true Christian. The Bible...

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Who is Lord Jesus Christ?

More than two thousand years ago God beatific Jesus Christ into this world. He became one of us, but he did annihilation wrong. He showed us what God is like - merciful and kind. He healed the sick people, the  blind were fabricated to see, the deafened to hear, the bruised to walk. Some bodies followed him, and to them he gave a fresh way of Life - God’s way. But others hated Him because He was so good, and he apparent their evil ways.               He gave his own life as a sacrifice, a acquittal for our sins. He died on the cantankerous to save us. Three days afterwards he died, Jesus Christ came aback from the dead. Now He lives in the ability of an endless life to accommodated your need, to be your Saviour, to absolve your sins....

Four spiritual laws

Just as there are concrete laws that administer the concrete universe, so are there spiritual laws which administer your accord with God. 1. God loves you and offers a admirable plan for your life. (References independent on this webpage are from the Bible and should be apprehend in ambience wherever possible.) God's Love" God so admired the world that He gave His one and alone Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but accept abiding life" (John 3:16 ) God's Plan" I came that they ability accept life, and ability accept it abundantly"  (John 10:10). Why is it that most people are not experiencing the abounding life? Because... 2. Man is sinful and afar from God. Therefore, he cannot apperceive and acquaintance God's adulation and plan for his life.  Man Is Sinful "All...

Did you pray this prayer?

You can accept Christ appropriate now by acceptance through prayer (Prayer is talking to God) God knows your affection and is not so anxious with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart. The afterward is a appropriate prayer: "I need You, our Lord Jesus. Thank You for dying on the cantankerous for my sins. I open the door of my life and accept You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me abiding life. Take ascendancy of the head of my life. Make me the kind of being You appetite me to be."                               "Thank you, God, for admiring me and sending your Son to die on the cantankerous for my sins. I now accept to accomplish Jesus the Lord of my life....

Thursday, 24 March 2011

The Risk of Destroying My Mission

One of the greatest enemy’s of your life mission is envy; getting your eyes on what other people are doing rather than keeping your eyes on what the Lord wants you to do.  When you start looking at other people, you're in trouble.Galatians 5:25-26 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.  Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other. If you're following God's life mission you don't have to worry about what other people think, you don't have to envy other people, because you know that God's got a life for you.  What is ENVY?What is envy?  It is resenting God's goodness in other's lives.  It is ignoring God's goodness in my own life.  The Bible says it is very destructive and it will cause you much pain in your life. ...

Strengthening Your Cosmic Mission So You Finish It

For one reason or another, they die with unfulfilled dreams, with unrealized potential and without ever becoming what God intended their life to become.  That is a tragedy.  Acts 20:24 “I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me.”  1 Timothy 4:7 “I have finished the race.”      Are you going to be able to say that about your life?   That you did what God made you to do?  That you fulfilled the purpose for which you were put on this earth?This morning as we approach the conclusion of our series I want to give you the Rules of the Race.  If you want to make it to the finish line, if you want to make your life count, if you want to get into the winners...

Supporting My Mission

The fact is, best intentions are not good enough.  It takes more than good intentions.  So we’ve been talking about fulfilling your life mission.  Last week we talked about the habits and skills you need to sustain your life mission.  There’s at least one problem with that.  It’s difficult to develop good habits.  It’s hard.  It’s easy to develop bad ones but it’s difficult to develop good habits.  So you need support.  It’s always easier to learn something new when you learn it with somebody helping you – a partner, a friend, a coach, somebody encouraging you.How do I support my mission?  This morning I want to specifically give you four relationships that you must develop if you’re going...

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Sustaining My Cosmic Mission

Clarify My Values, Outline My Shape, Surrender to God’s Mission, Prayerfully Mapping out my Cosmic Mission Statement; Organize my time around my SHAPE and Life Mission and for the remainder of this series – Sustaining and Strengthening My Cosmic Mission.“If the axe is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed but skill will bring success.”  Ecclesiastes 10:10Mt Everest – every year they fail… Great disappointments – People who crash and burn, who are seduced by the world and the temporary…Today we’re going to look at four important skills.  If I want to become all that God wants me to be, if I want to fulfil the purpose He put me on earth for…1.  I MUST MASTER MY MOODSYou’ve got to be able to not just do what you feel but do what’s the right thing to do regardless...

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